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- a quote by ben franklin
- xa stitch in time saves nine
- a famous battle cry
- xremember the alamo
- premier khrushchev said
- xwe will bury you
- from julius caesar
- xbeware the ides of march
- william shakespeare
- xall's well that ends well
- the first telegraph message
- xwhat hath god wrought
- patrick henry
- xgive me liberty or give me death
- an old saying
- xcatch as catch can
- another old saying
- xmonkey see monkey do
- wise advice
- xbuckle up for safety
- douglas macarthur
- xi shall return
- do you believe?
- xcuriosity killed the cat
- but they're expensive
- xdiamonds are a girl's best friend
- this is untrue!
- xthe moon is made of green cheese
- hint
- bonus
- phrase
- quit
- u.s. history
- space facts
- memorable dates
- trivialities
- instructions
- start over
- quit
- novice
- advanced
- the first american in orbit was-
- john glenn
- soviet leader yuri v. andropov died
- after a long illness. he was re-
- placed as general secretary by -
- konstantin chernenko
- two mavericks named wozniak and jobs
- founded a company called-
- apple
- what did atlanta pharmacist
- john styth pemberton invent?
- coca-cola
- sierra leone is a country on the
- continent of-
- africa
- name the state with the most
- hazardous waste sites.
- new jersey
- the country afghanistan borders the
- u.s.s.r. - pakistan and -
- iran
- in 1959 robert noyce and jack kilby
- each patented the-
- integrated circuit
- in the early fifties the universal
- automatic computer is born. more
- commonly known as-
- univac
- february 2nd of every year is-
- groundhog day
- january 3rd 1959 what state was ad-
- mitted to the union?
- alaska
- when secretary of state alexander
- haig resigned who took his place?
- george shultz
- at over $28 million per year the
- leading importer-exporter of arms
- is-
- united states
- senator robert kennedy was killed by
- jordanian-
- sirhan sirhan
- in 1777 the battle of saratoga was
- the turning point of the war for the
- americans
- british
- 5000 surrendered
- 1
- 20
- the pilgrims landed at plymouth rock
- where was the first permanent
- english settlement in america?
- jamestown
- valley forge
- virginia
- 1
- 20
- in 1867 alaska was sold to the u.s.
- by russia. who was the american
- negotiator of the deal?
- edwin m. stanton
- william h. seward
- sec.of state
- 0
- 20
- 264 soldiers of the u.s. 7th cavalry
- led by gen. george custer were
- killed at the battle of -
- wounded knee- south dakota
- the little big horn
- custer's last stand
- 0
- 20
- on december 7 1941 japan attacked
- pearl harbor- hawaii. america lost
- 2300 lives and 19 ships in this
- sneak attack. when was war declared?
- three days later
- the following day
- hint
- 0
- 20
- the uss pueblo and an 83 man crew
- were seized january 1968 in the sea
- of japan by -
- north vietnamese
- north koreans
- released year later
- 0
- 40
- an unconditional pardon for all
- crimes committed while in office was
- issued to ex-president nixon by -
- judge john sirica
- president ford
- executive pardon
- 0
- 20
- pres.hoover was blamed for not end-
- ing the great depression. hoover was
- against giving aid directly to the
- poor because he-
- saw it as a threat to peoples freedom
- was an insensitive leader
- urged private aid
- 1
- 20
- the goal of the eisenhower doctrine
- was to make the free world stronger.
- how did he set out to do this?
- massive military buildup
- stop the spread of soviet power
- sorry
- 0
- 40
- in 1971 the 26th ammendment to the
- constitution was passed. this
- ammendenent -
- lowered the voting age
- ended the military draft
- 18 year olds happy
- 1
- 40
- the first woman in space was
- sally ride
- valentina tereshkova
- not aboard columbia
- 0
- 20
- in 1960 the united states launched
- the first of the tiros series of
- weather satelites.in 1962 telstar 1
- was launched. what is a telstar 1?
- military satelite
- communications satelite
- linked the globe
- 0
- 20
- the first man in space was -
- alan shepard
- yuri gagarin
- first orbital flight
- 0
- 40
- october 1957 the first man-made
- satelite was put into orbit by a
- major world power. it was named
- explorer 1
- sputnik
- began space race
- 0
- 20
- the apollo 11 mission to the moon in
- 1969 fulfilled a committment made by
- pres. john f. kennedy. name the
- first man to set foot on the moon.
- neil armstrong
- edwin aldrin jr.
- commander
- 1
- 40
- project gemini flights were two man.
- how many astronauts were aboard pro-
- ject mercury flights?
- one
- two
- apollo had 3
- 1
- 20
- the space probe voyager ii carried
- instruments to gather data about the
- outer planets and beyond. it also
- carried -
- a self destruct mechanism
- a greeting from earth
- a gold disc
- 0
- 20
- on valentine's day 1980 nasa launch-
- ed the smm (solar maximum mission)
- satelite. its main objective is to
- measure solar flares- a.k.a. -
- sunspots
- fireballs
- upsets radio waves
- 1
- 40
- upon reentry into the earth's atmo-
- sphere a spacecraft may approach at
- too shallow an angle and glance off
- into space or too deep and -
- be forced to abort
- burn up from friction
- no second chances
- 0
- 20
- the explorer i was the first amer-
- ican satelite in orbit. what did it
- discover?
- the van allen belt
- the presence of black holes
- radiation
- 1
- 40
- on may 12th 1975
- the mayaguez was seized by cambodia
- viet draft evaders pardoned.
- no hint
- 1
- 40
- october 12th 1492
- ponce de leon explored florida
- colombus discovers the new world
- santa-maria
- 0
- 20
- march 28th 1979 was america's worst
- nuclear accident
- air crash
- ??
- 1
- 40
- the year 1861 began -
- lincoln's presidency
- the civil war
- ft. sumter
- 0
- 40
- february 14th 1929 what happened?
- stock market crash
- st. valentine's day massacre
- 7 killed
- 0
- 20
- charles lindberg jr. son of the fam-
- ous aviator was kidnapped march 1st
- 1932. on may 12th of the same year -
- he was returned unhurt
- he was found dead
- $50000 paid
- 0
- 20
- on april 11th 1947 jackie robinson
- broke the color barrier in major
- league baseball. his team was -
- brooklyn dodgers
- new york yankees
- los angeles
- 1
- 40
- in the 1980 winter olympics the
- united states scored an upset vic-
- tory over the ussr in what sport?
- basketball
- ice hockey
- gold medal
- 0
- 20
- in utica- n.y. on feb. 22 1879 a
- new style of store was born. it was
- called a -
- hardware store
- five-and-ten
- f.w. woolworth
- 0
- 40
- november 11th of every year it is-
- veteran's day
- columbus day
- in memory of
- 1
- 40
- can you name the city with the high-
- est average wind-speed?
- chicago il
- boston mass
- beans
- 0
- 40
- the world's tallest building is
- 1454 feet tall. it is located in?
- chicago
- new york city
- sear's tower
- 1
- 20
- mckinley is north america's highest
- mountain at 20320 feet. what is the
- highest in the world?
- mt. everest
- mt. kilimanjaro
- 29028 feet
- 1
- 20
- the world's busiest airport handled
- over 740 thousand take-offs and
- landings in 1984. name this airport.
- atlanta international
- chicago o'hare international
- ord
- 0
- 30
- according to a recent census the se-
- cond most populated city in america-
- chicago
- los angeles
- formerly #3
- 0
- 20
- the longest river system in the
- united states is the-
- ohio/allegheny
- mississippi/missouri
- 3710 miles
- 0
- 20
- the highest city in the united
- states is over ten thousand feet a-
- bove sea level. where is it?
- denver- colorado
- leadville- colorado
- sorry
- 0
- 30
- the deepest point in the ocean is
- located at 11 degrees 20 minutes
- north by 142 degrees 12 minutes east.
- it's called the-
- java trench
- mariana trench
- 35810 feet deep
- 0
- 40
- american patriot paul revere made
- his famous midnight ride to alert
- the patriots that the british were
- on the way to concord to -
- destroy military supplies
- capture the town
- british lost 273
- 1
- 40
- in 1942 the world's first nuclear
- chain reaction was produced by
- physicists enrico fermi and arthur
- compton. where did this take place?
- los alamos- new mexico
- university of chicago
- stagg field
- 0
- 40
- in scranton pennsylvania 1877. what
- were the molly maguires?
- an irish terrorist society
- a feminist movement
- 11 leaders hanged
- 1
- 40
- november 22 1963 president kennedy
- was shot and killed while riding in
- a motorcade through downtown dallas
- texas. name the assasin.
- lee harvey oswald
- jack ruby
- ex-marine
- 1
- 20
- in 1961 the u.s. severed diplomatic
- relations with cuba. one of the
- disputes was the nationalization of
- u.s. firms. another was -
- u.s. military presence at guantanamo
- the bay of pigs incident
- no cia involvement
- 1
- 40
- california voters approved (by 65%
- majority) a scheme to cut property
- taxes by 57%. this became known as -
- proposition 13
- lend-lease act
- june 1978
- 1
- 20
- in a 99-0 vote the senate confirmed
- the appointment of the first woman
- supreme court justice. she was -
- anne m. gorsuch
- sandra day o'connor
- one was epa boss
- 0
- 40
- franklin delano roosevelt was a bold
- leader who lead the country out of
- depression. what office did he hold
- before becoming president?
- senator
- governor
- new york
- 0
- 40
- in june 1948 the soviet union set up
- a blockade of west berlin to force
- the withdrawl of the allies from the
- city. the u.s. responded by -
- sending troops
- airlifting supplies
- enormous effort
- 0
- 40
- incumbent president nixon won in
- every state except massachusetts and
- the district of columbia in the 1972
- election. who did he run against?
- gerald ford
- george mc govern
- landslide victory
- 0
- 40
- when an astronaut leaves an orbiting
- spacecraft it's called a space walk.
- who was the first to do it?
- edward white
- aleksei leonov
- ship name movie 2010
- 0
- 40
- two robot space ships were sent on a
- long distance journey to view the
- outer planets of the solar system.
- they were named -
- viking i and viking ii
- voyager i and voyager ii
- reached uranus 1986
- 0
- 20
- while americans neil a. armstrong
- and edwin e. aldrin jr. were making
- history on the moon who piloted the
- command module orbiting overhead?
- michael collins
- john w. young
- 30 moon orbits
- 1
- 60
- september 3rd 1976 the space probe
- viking ii made a successful landing
- on mars. where??
- sea of tranquility
- utopia plains
- hint
- 0
- 40
- joseph engle flew the air force
- rocket plane x-15 to an altitude of
- more than 50 miles. this qualified
- him for -
- an astronaut rating
- an altitude record
- 1965
- 1
- 20
- the voyager spacecraft were designed
- to operate at such great distances
- that ground control is not practical.
- they were equipped with -
- high-speed radio receivers
- on-board navigation computers
- an apple ii?
- 0
- 40
- the united states plans to send an
- unmanned probe to jupiter. it's pur-
- pose will be to study the jovian at-
- mosphere. it will be called-
- galileo
- jpr-1
- postponed often
- 1
- 40
- in february of 1986 astronomer carl
- sagan speculated of a soviet manned
- mission by the late 1980's. to-
- the moon
- mars
- hint
- 0
- 40
- the robot arm in the cargo bay of
- the space shuttle columbia was built
- by a high-tech company in -
- canada
- california
- geographically high
- 1
- 40
- astronauts bruce mc candless and
- robert stewart were the first humans
- to -
- stay in orbit over a month
- make an untethered space walk
- feb. 1984
- 0
- 60
- on december 8th 1980
- john lennon was killed
- president reagan was shot
- the dakota
- 1
- 40
- it's december 17th 1903 you just
- heard news of -
- the battleship maine's destruction
- the wright brother's flight
- kitty hawk
- 0
- 20
- oct 26th 1984
- baby fae receives heart of a baboon
- bill schroeder gets artificial heart
- lived 3 weeks
- 1
- 40
- september 1st 1983 the soviet union
- shot down korean airlines passenger
- flight # -
- 007
- 269
- spy mission?
- 1
- 40
- in 1931 the world's tallest building
- opened it's doors to the public. it
- was called -
- the empire state bldg.
- rockefeller center
- 1250 feet tall
- 1
- 20
- in 1947 three engineers working for
- bell labs invented a device that re-
- volutionized the electronics indus-
- try. it is known as the-
- printed circuit
- transistor
- replaced tubes
- 0
- 40
- the st. lawrence seaway was opened
- on april 25th 1959. this waterway
- linked -
- lake erie to lake ontario
- the great lakes to the atlantic ocean
- st. lawrence river
- 0
- 40
- may 20th 1927 capt. lindberg flew
- non-stop from new york to paris
- he landed at -
- le bourget airfield
- orly airport
- spirit of st. louis
- 1
- 40
- december 16th 1773 was the date of
- the -
- boston tea party
- boston massacre
- east india co.
- 1
- 60
- if you were in alaska on the third
- monday in october you would be cele-
- brating what??
- loyalty day
- alaska day
- hint
- 0
- 50
- the world's longest railway tunnel
- is 33.5 miles long. it is operated
- by the -
- japanese national railway
- swiss federal railway
- built 1985
- 1
- 50
- the longest suspension bridge in am-
- erica is 4260 feet long. is it the-
- golden gate in san francisco
- verrazano-narrows in new york city
- built 1964
- 0
- 50
- death valley- calif. is 282 feet be-
- low sea level. where is the lowest
- point in the world?
- dead sea- israel/jordan
- caspian sea- ussr
- 1312' below sea lvl
- 1
- 40
- the largest nuclear power plant in
- the united states is the sequoyah.
- it is run by the -
- commonwealth edison co.
- tennessee valley authority
- 1220 megawatts
- 0
- 40
- name the southernmost city in the
- united states.
- key west- florida
- hilo- hawaii
- an island
- 0
- 30
- the strongest surface wind ever re-
- corded was 231 m.p.h. where was this
- reading taken?
- mt. washington- new hampshire
- mt. waialeale- hawaii
- recorded 1934
- 1
- 50
- the deepest lake in the united
- states is-
- crater lake
- lake superior
- 1932 feet deep
- 1
- 40
- the world's largest island is-
- australia
- greenland
- oh come now
- 0
- 40